Publinove est l'agence événementielle et la régie publicitaire du Groupe Ficade.
Publinove est l'agence événementielle de l'ArchiDesignclub, qui est la première communauté française de professionnels de l'architecture et du design.
Publinove organise chaque année les ADC Awards qui mettent à l'honneur les plus belles réalisations d'architecture et d'architecture intérieure, et les Muuuz International Awards qui récompensent les produits les plus remarquables de l'architecture et du design.
Publinove est l'agence événementielle du Groupe Ficade.
Salons professionnels, tables rondes, showrooms, événements festifs... Publinove organise plus de 30 événements par an pour les différentes entités du Groupe Ficade.
Publinove organise les événements du magazine Gestion de Fortune : le Grand Forum du Patrimoine, les Oscars de l'assurance vie, le Palmarès des Fournisseurs de la gestion privée, les Victoires de la Pierre et les Globes de la Gestion.
New Music USA was formed by the merger of the American Music Center and Meet The Composer, two organizations with decades of experience serving the needs of the new music community. On November 8, 2011, their merger was completed and New Music USA was created to strengthen and grow the new music community.
New Music USA approached us with the task of bringing their look into the 21st century. We then applied the brand to its online presence, building a fully responsive WordPress-based website that showcases musician stories and makes it easy for donors to give online.
The website was featured on various design showcase sites and was an Awwwards Site of the Day in October 2012.
New Music USA was formed by the merger of the American Music Center and Meet The Composer, two organizations with decades of experience serving the needs of the new music community. On November 8, 2011, their merger was completed and New Music USA was created to strengthen and grow the new music community.
New Music USA approached us with the task of bringing their look into the 21st century. We then applied the brand to its online presence, building a fully responsive WordPress-based website that showcases musician stories and makes it easy for donors to give online.
The website was featured on various design showcase sites and was an Awwwards Site of the Day in October 2012.
New Music USA was formed by the merger of the American Music Center and Meet The Composer, two organizations with decades of experience serving the needs of the new music community. On November 8, 2011, their merger was completed and New Music USA was created to strengthen and grow the new music community.
New Music USA approached us with the task of bringing their look into the 21st century. We then applied the brand to its online presence, building a fully responsive WordPress-based website that showcases musician stories and makes it easy for donors to give online.
The website was featured on various design showcase sites and was an Awwwards Site of the Day in October 2012.
New Music USA was formed by the merger of the American Music Center and Meet The Composer, two organizations with decades of experience serving the needs of the new music community. On November 8, 2011, their merger was completed and New Music USA was created to strengthen and grow the new music community.
New Music USA approached us with the task of bringing their look into the 21st century. We then applied the brand to its online presence, building a fully responsive WordPress-based website that showcases musician stories and makes it easy for donors to give online.
The website was featured on various design showcase sites and was an Awwwards Site of the Day in October 2012.
New Music USA was formed by the merger of the American Music Center and Meet The Composer, two organizations with decades of experience serving the needs of the new music community. On November 8, 2011, their merger was completed and New Music USA was created to strengthen and grow the new music community.
New Music USA approached us with the task of bringing their look into the 21st century. We then applied the brand to its online presence, building a fully responsive WordPress-based website that showcases musician stories and makes it easy for donors to give online.
The website was featured on various design showcase sites and was an Awwwards Site of the Day in October 2012.